Welcome to the B&B by the sea “Il Borgo dei Pescatori”

Tradition and well-being, relax and comfort, by the sea. That’s the essence of “Il Borgo dei Pescatori”, a simple but elegant Bed&Breakfast placed just on a suggestive cove with a beautiful beach, magically set into Fasano coast between Savelletri and Torre Canne  (Forcatella).   The elegant B&B was in the 19th century the house of some local  fishermen and it has recently been restored - in terms of heritage conservation, every effort was made to retain the original architectural features as far as possible. The setting of this B&B, just by the sea, provides the ideal conditions for a unique experience  .


Esplora il nostro B&B ed il paesaggio circostante: le camere, le verande, la spiaggetta privata, il mare.


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